What is a Net Zero Renovation?

A Net Zero Renovation follows a methodical process to achieve the same goals as a new Net Zero Home. The definitions are identical. Simply put, Net Zero is Net Zero!

CHBA Qualified Net Zero Home

A CHBA Qualified Net Zero Home is a home that is designed, modelled and constructed/renovated to produce as much energy (from on-site renewable energy sources) as it consumes annually.

CHBA Qualified Net Zero Homes have this label:

CHBA Qualified Net Zero Ready Home

A CHBA Qualified Net Zero Ready Home is a home that meets the same requirements as above, but the on-site renewable energy system is only modelled and not yet installed.

CHBA Qualified Net Zero Ready Homes have this label:

It is recognized in the CHBA Net Zero Renovation label, that some areas of an existing home may not be in scope, even during a major renovation such as upgrading to Net Zero. While there are specific exemptions to a few of the Net Zero for New Homes requirements, the overall profile must meet the same stringent energy, air quality, and comfort checks.
Net Zero Renovations can be combined with other major interior or exterior upgrades. It is important to have the right contractors and consultants at the table before major design decisions are made to ensure all opportunities and maximum benefits are achieved.


Determine whether a house is a good candidate for a Net Zero Energy Renovation:


Note that not all homes are suitable candidates for a Net Zero Renovation. Orientation and ahape of the house and roof, solar aspect, perimeter access as well as where the house is on its major maintenance timeline, are important factors to assess.
Energy Advisors and Renovators work closely together to guide an optimal solution for the homeowner. CHBA works to develop and provide its members with tools to help navigate each home's path to Net Zero. For example, CHBA has developed an Exterior Renovation Checklist here. Each stage engages with trained personnel to properly evaluate conditions and provide solutions that work together as a house-as-a-system.
Using an Integrated Design Process allows for optimizing the needs of the homeowner, the targets of the energy conservation measures with the implementation by the renovator and contractors involved.